Ziggy's thread (lots of new pics on PG.20) 09/01/11

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Juvie Member
I'm glad Kandalini ate for you :) I know that they can be "shy eaters" sometimes and be tough to get to eat. So congrats and thats awesome he is settling in :)


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NCSUCarrie":1ugb8ghg said:
I'm glad Kandalini ate for you :) I know that they can be "shy eaters" sometimes and be tough to get to eat. So congrats and thats awesome he is settling in :)

Thank you Carrie, I'm really relieved that he's settling in. He's been in his hide since I fed him, so I think he made himself at home. :D


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Hi, I'm back with some pics of Ziggy again. We had a really great time outside few days back. She was such a good girl and everybody were saying "look look it's a lizard" it was hilarius :laughhard:
I took all these pics with my smartphone, so bare with me. :oops:

Well here are her pics:

first pics of sunbathing in the garden

what are you doing back there slave, ha?!?



surfing them internets

this rodent is mah, mah am tellin you

this one was taken trough the glass, so quality is equivalent to it :?
a bit of beard stretching for a good start of a new day

I had to post this pic, she was sooo tiny, aww my lil' baby

Hope you liked the pics, and as always please comment, your comments are appreciated! :notworthy:


Juvie Member
it's so easy to forget how teensy they were !! Especially when you're looking at a food gobbling giant lizard everyday :wink: It's really cool to see how much she has grown though :)
She looks great ! I think she was making sure you knew not to move your knee when she was looking back at you in those pictures ! Or saying.. A little to the left... ahhhh that's the spot... now hold it ! :mrgreen:


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NCSUCarrie":1d7kqf0u said:
it's so easy to forget how teensy they were !! Especially when you're looking at a food gobbling giant lizard everyday :wink: It's really cool to see how much she has grown though :)
She looks great ! I think she was making sure you knew not to move your knee when she was looking back at you in those pictures ! Or saying.. A little to the left... ahhhh that's the spot... now hold it ! :mrgreen:

You're right, she did grow alot since I got her, I never actually realize how much until I see a pic of tiny Ziggy :love5: so adorable and small, aww.
Haha, I was her sunbathing turntable when we were outside! She gave me few good stink-eye's when I carried her home, lol :D


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NCSUCarrie":3e3kfqp2 said:
Atrax":3e3kfqp2 said:
She gave me few good stink-eye's when I carried her home, lol :D

NO it is NOT time to go inside... Noooo!

:) Too Silly !! :)

She usually jumps on the branch in her viv immediately after I put my hand in her jump range, but this time she just sat there in my hand and stink-eyed me, so I had to cuddle with her for one more hour. :love5: She's my little silly dragon. :mrgreen:


Sub-Adult Member
Lovely markings that show up on her face when she's out in the sun. Pretty girl! :D (The lines around her eyes are particularly striking.)


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Slave2Scarlett":xhrglg5c said:
Aww I love the new pics! She's getting sooo big!

Thanks Ashleigh, she's getting big yes, I noticed that her head got noticeably bigger in last few weeks. :love5:

Jamiedog":xhrglg5c said:
Lovely markings that show up on her face when she's out in the sun. Pretty girl! :D (The lines around her eyes are particularly striking.)

Thank you, I'm glad you love my princess :oops: I LOVE her colors few minutes after she moves out of the sun, you can see pink :shock: color on sides of her tail, it looks so cool. :love10:

Appreciate your comments guys! :notworthy:


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Atrax":xy3x1fz0 said:
Thank you, I'm glad you love my princess :oops: I LOVE her colors few minutes after she moves out of the sun, you can see pink :shock: color on sides of her tail, it looks so cool. :love10:

Pink? Wow, nice! I love all the subtle colors you can see when they're really happy and bright. :love5:


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Jamiedog":e9qv7te4 said:
Atrax":e9qv7te4 said:
Thank you, I'm glad you love my princess :oops: I LOVE her colors few minutes after she moves out of the sun, you can see pink :shock: color on sides of her tail, it looks so cool. :love10:

Pink? Wow, nice! I love all the subtle colors you can see when they're really happy and bright. :love5:

I was surprised to see pink color too, but unfortunately my camera doesn't seem to be able to catch those subtle colors. :love5:


Sub-Adult Member
My camera won't pick up on any of the best colors, either. Clearly, cameras have not yet been invented that can capture a beardie totally. :wink: (Maybe there's some money to be made in developing one of those... Hmmmmm...)


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Jamiedog":3vrpw2dk said:
My camera won't pick up on any of the best colors, either. Clearly, cameras have not yet been invented that can capture a beardie totally. :wink: (Maybe there's some money to be made in developing one of those... Hmmmmm...)

Haha, there sure is a market niche for "beardiecam", "Capture your beardies colors totally" would say the commercial! :blob5: :blob8: :blob5: Now all we have to do is invent the camera, easy. :study:
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