Ziggy's thread (lots of new pics on PG.20) 09/01/11

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Sub-Adult Member
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Yay, I have new pics of my lil' scaly buddy :D but unfortunately they were taken with cellphone. :cry:

Here they are:

All these are of Ziggy after a bath :)




He has "grey alien" on the back of his head, you know those that ppl are "seeing", LOL

I guess Ziggy is not just an ordinary beardie, he has some yelow color. :blob5: :blob5:

Thanks for taking time and looking at pics of my buddy! :notworthy:


Juvie Member
I think it looks like Ziggy definitely has some color. My guess is that he'll probably develop brighter colors with each shed, but I guess we'll see :)
The pictures were very cute as always... I just wanted to poke his cute little belly in the pic where you were holding him up ! :mrgreen:
I think he certainly is in a hurry to grow up!


Sub-Adult Member
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I took few more shots of Ziggy today. :mrgreen:
So here they are:

hammock collapse, soldier in distress :mrgreen:

checking out the perimeter at 17:00 hrs 8)



Aren'tz me prettah?

I love when they look at you, they look so cute like that. :mrgreen:

Hope you like 'em. :D
Comments are appreciated.


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NCSUCarrie":3frr01kf said:
I think it looks like Ziggy definitely has some color. My guess is that he'll probably develop brighter colors with each shed, but I guess we'll see :)
The pictures were very cute as always... I just wanted to poke his cute little belly in the pic where you were holding him up ! :mrgreen:
I think he certainly is in a hurry to grow up!

I'm glad you like my lil' boy/girl :mrgreen: I love him to bits, he's such a good pet, can't ask for any better! :blob5: :blob5:


Sub-Adult Member
Ziggy is so adorable. Don't worry about colour right now, Nemesis was dark, looked very regular when he was younger and now he's one of the brightest citrus dragons I have ever seen. Every shed brings new colours


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NightmareDisco":3tiam2b8 said:
Ziggy is so adorable. Don't worry about colour right now, Nemesis was dark, looked very regular when he was younger and now he's one of the brightest citrus dragons I have ever seen. Every shed brings new colours

Thanks Nightmare! :)
That's awesome, can't wait to see them colors of Ziggy!! :love5: :love5: :)


Sub-Adult Member
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Again new pics of my lil' guy :mrgreen: He actually comes to me now when I call him :blob5: :blob5: That's so awesome :D :D
I'll weigh him later today, so I'll be posting his weigh too. :oops:

On to pics...unfortunately all were taken with my cell, so quality is near horrible :cry: :banghead:

On my PC desk, exploring :)


little face :love5:



bit of snuggling


he loves watching tarantulas :)


cruising around T' tanks :roll:


Thanks for checking the pics guys, soon I will post more. Hopefully I won't need to take them with my cell :?


Gray-bearded Member
ahh look at butterball! lol I said that not Scarlett.. She still thinks he's a handsome hunk :love5: Wow he out weighs her by oh about 20 grams..lol


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Slave2Scarlett":3tpaiynk said:
ahh look at butterball! lol I said that not Scarlett.. She still thinks he's a handsome hunk :love5: Wow he out weighs her by oh about 20 grams..lol

:blob5: thanks for taking a look, he's gaining weight nicely. How's little lady Scarlett doing? :) Hope she's doing great!
I've just been weighing him right now, and he gained 8 grams since 29th of Jan., he's now at 80g mark. :blob5: :blob8: :blob5:
B. dubias are an awesome feeders, even for my tarantulas. :mrgreen: :mrgreen:


Juvie Member
Those aren't bad at all for cell phone pics :)
The little close up of his face is adorable !!! :mrgreen: It's awesome that he likes to watch the tarantula's ....it's got to be neat to watch him watch them :)
hooooray for dubia !! glad he's/she's growing like a weeeeed! Thanks for the update so soon :)


Sub-Adult Member
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NCSUCarrie":1cr4tnlp said:
Those aren't bad at all for cell phone pics :)
The little close up of his face is adorable !!! :mrgreen: It's awesome that he likes to watch the tarantula's ....it's got to be neat to watch him watch them :)
hooooray for dubia !! glad he's/she's growing like a weeeeed! Thanks for the update so soon :)

At least my cell has a Macro funct. so I can take a pic of two of my smaller animal buddies, I hope I won't have to use it again soon though. :roll:
Yes it's awesome watch him watching the tarantulas! :blob5: :blob5: We are watching each other like hawks. :mrgreen: It looks so cute :love5:
I'm glad you like my little update, will be posting more on Ziggy soon. :) Thanks for checking it out! =)
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