Ziggy's thread (lots of new pics on PG.20) 09/01/11

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Hi guys, I'm back after some time with short update and to post few pics of my lil' "dragster" :D
Well yesterday I've weighed the little chubby and s/he is now 93g, I'm so happy that s/he is gaining weight. :blob5:
The other thing is that I tried to sex Ziggy, and if I know anything about production of bananas, Ziggy should be female! :shock: :shock: :shock:

Next on to the pics:

Ziggy chillin' before sleep :mrgreen:


these positions really crack me up :laughhard:



Checking the outside world and sunbathing just a little :laughing6:

Thanks for taking time to look :notworthy: :mrgreen:


Juvie Member
Yes, my arm is comfortable just like that.. thanks for asking :) hehe
She (?) looks very comfy in front of the window getting some sunshine time! All the pics are great. Ziggy's a little monster now !
So you think Ziggy is a girl...I'm guessing you know about banana production then ? loll


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NCSUCarrie":3c14dyeq said:
Yes, my arm is comfortable just like that.. thanks for asking :) hehe
She (?) looks very comfy in front of the window getting some sunshine time! All the pics are great. Ziggy's a little monster now !
So you think Ziggy is a girl...I'm guessing you know about banana production then ? loll

Hehe :mrgreen: Yes I "think" Ziggy is a female, but I will now for sure in a month or two.
She's very calm when sitting in front of the window, I could leave him, ups, I meant her (I have to get use to this), there all day and she wouldn't leave that spot. :D
Thanks for checking the pics Carrie! :blob5:


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Slave2Scarlett":3v11vv7p said:
Love the pics Atrax! so Ziggy is a girl huh? lol Maybe u sould post some pics and let us tell u what we think.. :lol:

Thanks :D
Yes, maybe I should post some pics of important parts :study: :study: I'll try and get some good pics of "the spot", I'll post them here tomorrow and we'll see.


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NCSUCarrie":3ee20o6u said:
How are you and Ziggy doing ? It's been way to long without a ziggy fix ! :)

Aww :oops: It's nice to know that we are missed! :oops: Ziggy is doing great, lil' rascal. :D She's now over 100g's. :blob5: :blob5: :blob5:
I'll try and post some pic and weight updates tonight.


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Hi, I decided to update you guys on Ziggy's progress. She's been busy eating and growing, and I was busy watching and taking care of her. :lol: She now weighs 110g and is 35cm big. :blob5: :blob5:

So here are the pics as I promised (unfortunately only cellphone pics): :(

She loves to sit in front of the window checking stuff out



My little baby :)

Checking out the keyboard =)

I know they are not beardies but they are my babies too :oops:

Chromatopelma cyaneopubescens - Green Bottle Blue - Chrome

Nhandu chromatus - White Striped Bird Eater - Twiggy

I hope you all like them pics, I'll try and post pics and updates on Ziggy more frequently from now on, if you all would like that. :silent:
Comments are appreciated as always!!! :notworthy:

beardie parents

BD.org Sicko
You can keep the tarantulas, I'll take ziggy (jk). She's real cute. Our girls get very tempramental when they can't look out the window, which usually means that it's too cold for them. They like going outside, but where we live we have a lot of yard space, we have just over 4 acres for them to roam in, tho they only go to part of it. We have to watch them because sometimes they try to roam out to the road, not good if a car comes by, thankfully that doesn't happen all that often.


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beardie parents":20ia9waw said:
You can keep the tarantulas, I'll take ziggy (jk). She's real cute. Our girls get very tempramental when they can't look out the window, which usually means that it's too cold for them. They like going outside, but where we live we have a lot of yard space, we have just over 4 acres for them to roam in, tho they only go to part of it. We have to watch them because sometimes they try to roam out to the road, not good if a car comes by, thankfully that doesn't happen all that often.

Thanks! :mrgreen: Tarantulas are pretty too, at least they are to me. :)
Ziggy goes all nuts in her tank when she sees sunshine coming through the window, she "glass dance's" until I take her out and put her in front of the window. LoL Silly lil' dragon! :mrgreen:
You're lucky that you live in such a cool place for dragons, and tarantulas! :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
Thanks for commenting!! :notworthy:


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Slave2Scarlett":bglujnvn said:
Oooo Ziggy's getting to be such a big girl! So sweet.. I love the pic @ the window..

Aww :oops: thanks Scarlett's Slave :D :D She's growing like a weed, now I actually feel her weight in my hand. I really hope she will be a big dragon girl! :D She's such a good girl when I put her in front of a window, she never runs away, I could leave her alone and she wouldn't run. When she heats up she hops on my lazy chair (that is positioned near the window so she can move away from the sun if she wants), and when she cools down, she hops on a window ledge again, turns on her sexy legs and the cycle begins again. :laughhard: I love her colors when she's sunbathing in real sun. 8)
Thanks for commenting!! :notworthy:


Juvie Member
YAY updates and pictures !! :lol:
110 grams ?!?! what a big girl ! She looks big for the first time in her pictures too I think :) I love all the pictures! The fact she hops between the window and the chair off and on is too cute. All of my dragons have loved to look out of the windows or doors as well and will sometimes sit for an hour looking out. We have a screened in porch and Sydney would climb up onto the screen and hang there looking out for a LONG time. I can't wait until it stays warm enough to put Stitch out there too and see what he thinks about it hehe
I also loved the new tarantula pics.. the first one of the green bottle blue.. Wow absolutely beautiful ! And surprisingly small too :)

I'll always vote for more updates and pictures on Ziggy :) glad yall are both doing well and I did miss getting my ziggy fix :)


Sub-Adult Member
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NCSUCarrie":2wg1ount said:
YAY updates and pictures !! :lol:
110 grams ?!?! what a big girl ! She looks big for the first time in her pictures too I think :) I love all the pictures! The fact she hops between the window and the chair off and on is too cute. All of my dragons have loved to look out of the windows or doors as well and will sometimes sit for an hour looking out. We have a screened in porch and Sydney would climb up onto the screen and hang there looking out for a LONG time. I can't wait until it stays warm enough to put Stitch out there too and see what he thinks about it hehe
I also loved the new tarantula pics.. the first one of the green bottle blue.. Wow absolutely beautiful ! And surprisingly small too :)

I'll always vote for more updates and pictures on Ziggy :) glad yall are both doing well and I did miss getting my ziggy fix :)

Yes, she's getting big. :mrgreen: I can't wait for a bit warmer weather too, it's still quite cold here, around 0°C :?
How's my lil' boy Stitch doing?
Yea, that GBB aka. Green Bottle Blue is still quite small, but she's growing and will end up being 6-7 inch "baby" tarantula :mrgreen: I'm glad you like it! :)
Thanks for checking in on me and Ziggy!! :notworthy:
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