Ziggy's thread (lots of new pics on PG.20) 09/01/11

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Juvie Member
Yea the GBB is super cute I think :) That's cool that she's still growing ... how fast do they grow typically ?

Stitch is doing well ! If you haven't stopped by my thread lately go check out some new pics :) I"m hoping to put some put this afternoon... I'm trying to plant some stuff outside later today and think I may have Stitch come outside to help out :)


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NCSUCarrie":1jbr0rvl said:
Yea the GBB is super cute I think :) That's cool that she's still growing ... how fast do they grow typically ?

Stitch is doing well ! If you haven't stopped by my thread lately go check out some new pics :) I"m hoping to put some put this afternoon... I'm trying to plant some stuff outside later today and think I may have Stitch come outside to help out :)

Aww, I would LOVE to see pics of Stitch helping you outside :blob5: :blob5: I'll stop by your thread. :)
GBB's take around 2yrs to mature from lil' 0,5cmLS (leg span) spiderling to 13-15cmLS tarantula. :mrgreen:


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NCSUCarrie":1ize6ob8 said:
Very cool to know they grow that much over a couple of years :)

New pics are up :) Lots of Stitch for ya ! hehe

I love those pics of Stitch and Sydney outdoors, they are awesome!!! :mrgreen:


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I'm back with new "Ziggy fix" :D :D Ziggy is getting big and heavy, she's now at 120g mark :blob5: :blob8: and has started to shed once more - YAY!!

On with pics (again unfortunately only cellphone pics):

watz hapening autside???

my lil' darling :love5:

check aut ma sexi bak 8)

no sun rays today??? :(




I want ma sun rayz naw!! :x


This is where she goes to cool down when she's sunbathing in front of a window


Thanks guys for taking time to look at pics of my baby, it's much appreciated.
Comments are welcome too. :mrgreen:


Juvie Member
YAY Ziggy fix ! :) I was needing one too ! I went and peaked at her/your thread over the weekend to make sure I hadn't been unsubscribed... hehe
I think your cell phones are just fine. Ziggy is getting good and big now ! It was so cute how she was stretching up in the window to try and find the elusive sun rays when they weren't there... Poor Ziggy.. all days should be sunny and warm :)

That's fabulous that she's starting to shed again... she'll be even bigger soon :) Thanks for the update and my ziggy fix!
( if you haven't seen, I posted some video's with Stitch in them, including him riding in the RC truck lol)



Gray-bearded Member
Ohh we love the Zig Meister..lol I've always wanted to call her that ok it's out of my system lol.. Scarlett is about to catch up she weighs 100g!


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Thanks Carrie :D I try to make clear pics as possible, but that doesn't happen every time with cellphone, even though it says 8.0MP on the cell cam. :(
I've seen that vid of Stitch riding the RC truck, it's sooo awesome! :blob5: :blob5:
When she sees the sun shining through the window she immediately starts to glass dance, just to let me know that she wants some real sun rayzz. Hahaha :D :D She's such a good girl. :love5:
Can't wait for summer!!! :evil:

Zig Maister, hahaha, that's a good one, now I have one more "call sign" for her. LoL
Can't wait to see new pics of Scarlett.

Thank you both for taking time to comment. :notworthy:


Juvie Member
Atrax":2dm1m9qs said:
Thanks Carrie :D I try to make clear pics as possible, but that doesn't happen every time with cellphone, even though it says 8.0MP on the cell cam. :(

I've been pretty surprised how nice my pics from my cell phone have turned out. The vast majority of the pics on my thread are from my cell.. just because it's much easier to download to PB from my cell than off my computer. (which seems weird to me, but whatever works!). But sometimes they can be quite awful !
Glad you saw the vid of Stitch :) I figured you would enjoy hehe

Atrax":2dm1m9qs said:
Zig Maister, hahaha, that's a good one, now I have one more "call sign" for her. LoL
I think that's a good one :) Good job Ashleigh ! :p


Sub-Adult Member
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NCSUCarrie":2iz0eu3r said:
Atrax":2iz0eu3r said:
Thanks Carrie :D I try to make clear pics as possible, but that doesn't happen every time with cellphone, even though it says 8.0MP on the cell cam. :(

I've been pretty surprised how nice my pics from my cell phone have turned out. The vast majority of the pics on my thread are from my cell.. just because it's much easier to download to PB from my cell than off my computer. (which seems weird to me, but whatever works!). But sometimes they can be quite awful !
Glad you saw the vid of Stitch :) I figured you would enjoy hehe

Atrax":2iz0eu3r said:
Zig Maister, hahaha, that's a good one, now I have one more "call sign" for her. LoL
I think that's a good one :) Good job Ashleigh ! :p

Yep Stitch was AWESOME in that "crazy driver" vid, hahaha, he looked so funny and cool as ice! :laughhard:


Sub-Adult Member
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NCSUCarrie":37h155xg said:
Need more Ziggy !! MORE ! *starting to twitch from ziggy deprivation* :p hehe

Hahaha, I'll get you a "fix" immediately :D :D

Livey":37h155xg said:
:shock: He got so big!? when did this happen!??!
He is suppppperrrr cute! :D
Thaaanks Livey! :D


Sub-Adult Member
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OK here's Zigg Maister fix for NCSUCarrie and others as well :D
She's growing nicely and is a good girl all the time :love5:

Here are some pics:



Zigg Maister chillin'

Watching TV together :)


my lil' cutie

Leave mah alonezzzZZZZzzzz

I made her a leash the other day, and she's such a good girl letting me "harness her up" :)

First time outside :love5:

I hope you like all the pics of my baby :) Comments are appreciated as always!
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