Egg binding.??


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Dreki finally laid again, my kid said about 20 but I haven't checked yet to verify. When I checked on her, she was kinda dragging her body around.? And almost seemed like she was straining a bit, I couldn't tell. And was digging at the ground. I don't remember her doing that last time but she stopped when I took her out. Her belly is soft but her vent seems...bulging.? She's walking around and looking at us and her belly and vent are soft and stuff, so I imagine she's okay.? Does anyone have any better idea.?

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Dreki finally laid again, my kid said about 20 but I haven't checked yet to verify. When I checked on her, she was kinda dragging her body around.? And almost seemed like she was straining a bit, I couldn't tell. And was digging at the ground. I don't remember her doing that last time but she stopped when I took her out. Her belly is soft but her vent seems...bulging.? She's walking around and looking at us and her belly and vent are soft and stuff, so I imagine she's okay.? Does anyone have any better idea.?
@AHBD would be the person to ask.

AHBD Sicko
She might have another few to lay. Put her in some lukewarm water and it might help her push one out. It's not uncommon for this to happen.


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She might have another few to lay. Put her in some lukewarm water and it might help her push one out. It's not uncommon for this to happen.
She's kinda acting normal. She ate a little, nothing compared to how she used to eat when she'd lay. She's still scratching a lot to get out and digging, but she is basking some. She laid 24 and her typical is 27 to 32 eggs per lay.

Drache613 Sicko
Staff member

I agree with AHBD, she could have more eggs to lay, so it's somewhat common for them to lay the
majority of eggs & then a few afterwards. She is probably dragging her legs around, because she
has a few more left. I hope she can get the rest out if that is what is going on.



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I agree with AHBD, she could have more eggs to lay, so it's somewhat common for them to lay the
majority of eggs & then a few afterwards. She is probably dragging her legs around, because she
has a few more left. I hope she can get the rest out if that is what is going on.

She ended up laying one more later that day, 25 in total. Which is a few less than normal but okay, I guess. She's not digging and scratching anymore and actually basking but she's not devouring every bit of food like she'd usually do, which I'm a little concerned about. I dunno, I might be just paranoid. Usually, a day or so after laying, when she's slept it off, she'll eat and eat and eat and eat. But this time, she'll only eat a few worms or only one big dubia. But at least she's basking, I suppose.

Drache613 Sicko
Staff member

Oh geez, so 25 in total. That is a good sized
clutch, I'm sure she is worn out now.
So she isn't digging or scratching right now?
I guess she is probably finished laying. Does
she seem tired? I'm glad to hear she is basking even if she isn't eating a whole lot so
far. Definitely keep an eye on her weight to be
sure she isn't losing weight now.
Give her a bit of time to rest & hopefully her
appetite will improve here real soon.



Sub-Adult Member
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Oh geez, so 25 in total. That is a good sized
clutch, I'm sure she is worn out now.
So she isn't digging or scratching right now?
I guess she is probably finished laying. Does
she seem tired? I'm glad to hear she is basking even if she isn't eating a whole lot so
far. Definitely keep an eye on her weight to be
sure she isn't losing weight now.
Give her a bit of time to rest & hopefully her
appetite will improve here real soon.

Generally, it's several weeks of digging and scratching, then she lays up to 32 eggs, sleeps the majority of two days and devours everything. But this time, only 25 eggs, slept a little and isn't eating a whole bunch, maybe 7 or 10 superworms, which is way less than than she usually does after laying

Drache613 Sicko
Staff member

That is a little difference in behavior. Does she seem more tired than usual after laying?
If this continues & her appetite doesn't pick up here pretty soon, you may want to get her to the vet
to be sure she hasn't retained a few eggs or if something else is going on.
Her beard is normal color right now?



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That is a little difference in behavior. Does she seem more tired than usual after laying?
If this continues & her appetite doesn't pick up here pretty soon, you may want to get her to the vet
to be sure she hasn't retained a few eggs or if something else is going on.
Her beard is normal color right now?

Yeah, her beard doesn't ever really get black, maybe like a stripe of black across her chin. She ate more yesterday, 20, maybe more. She's been loafing but she's always been mildly lazy and chill. But when we get her out, she'll run around the bed and stuff

Drache613 Sicko
Staff member

I'm glad to hear that she finally ate a significant amount. Hopefully she is starting to feel better. Perhaps
this time, it was just a bit more difficult on her for some reason. Be sure to give some extra calcium in case
her reserves might be low.
She should be bouncing back here soon, so let us know how she is doing & keep us updated on her progress.



Sub-Adult Member
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I'm glad to hear that she finally ate a significant amount. Hopefully she is starting to feel better. Perhaps
this time, it was just a bit more difficult on her for some reason. Be sure to give some extra calcium in case
her reserves might be low.
She should be bouncing back here soon, so let us know how she is doing & keep us updated on her progress.

Man, I hope she's done with the eggs. This is like her 5th or 6th clutch this year. Every 6 weeks like clockwork, where as our 2 year old hasn't laid a single egg.

She's eating a bit more now, thankfully and acting normal so I'm guessing she was just a little extra tired. She pooped today and jeez I've never seen so much from them before 😳😅

Drache613 Sicko
Staff member

I hope she's done with the egg laying also, that is quite a few clutches for the year. Has she always
laid this many? Genetics I guess, because some don't lay any at all. Be sure to give her extra calcium
& vitamins for awhile in case she might be lacking in something.
At least you know she isn't impacted!



Sub-Adult Member
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I hope she's done with the egg laying also, that is quite a few clutches for the year. Has she always
laid this many? Genetics I guess, because some don't lay any at all. Be sure to give her extra calcium
& vitamins for awhile in case she might be lacking in something.
At least you know she isn't impacted!

She started in December and since January, it's been every 5ish weeks, she'll lay a clutch of anywhere between 27 and 32 eggs. It's crazy and we really hope she's done because the behavior and not eating is exhausting

Drache613 Sicko
Staff member

Oh my, wow that is quite a lot of egg laying. Poor thing, she has overactive ovaries for sure! I would
say if this continues, you might want to consider getting her spayed so it doesn't take such a huge toll
on her health in the future as she gets older.


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