Cherri-New Pics 5/24

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Gray-bearded Member
Original Poster
Cherri really surprises me by how much she eats. She is roughly a year old and show's no sign of slowing down! She needed to bulk up a little anyway!


Gray-bearded Member
Original Poster
My thoughts exactly! The former owner had kept her light on/off schedule at 8 hours on so Cherri went through a semi-brumation and her growth had slowed. She wasn't malnourished, but too thin IMO for a juvi-female. I figure she'll slow down soon enough, so for now she can have all she wants! I like my kids to be a little pudgy!

MissT Addict
Is the greed a female thing?? My Phoebe is never fool - at 15 months I figured she would have slowed down by now but she would eat in one sitting what Kazi eats in a month (if I let her!!)

Anyway, Sandy, shes looking amazing!!! Such a pretty girl you got there with such a fab beardie belly hehe!!!

But.... where are the MHD's??????? hehe!



Gray-bearded Member
Original Poster
Thanks T! Now if I could just get her to eat greens as well as she does dubias! Oh, and MHD pics soon! Promise!

Cherri's weight and measurement today: 300 grams and 17.5 inches. She's grown 2 inches and gained quite a bit of weight since coming home with us. She really does have quite the belly on her now!

Some new pics from today.

Hey Ma! Look, there are worms in my salad! YUM!

A couple good belly shots:


Twobeardieguy Sicko
Ok now Cherri got Gizmo`s Attention! Girl you betta watch out with that sexy butt! :lol: And he was in a dark room all by himself! :roll: This is what I caught today. :lol:


Gray-bearded Member
Original Poster
LMAO!!! Naughty Gizmo! (Beardie porn!?!?) :shock: :laughhard: Cherri's momma will be chasing off 2 bad boys!
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