Lethargic Beardy

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Hatchling Member
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LilStinkpot":22fsvztk said:
Well after looking more into it her basking spot was at around 103 but the rest of the "hot" side of her cage was at most 85. Switched out the infrared bulb in my second fixture for a CHE to try to get her temps back up a bit.


Hatchling Member
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Chrismcnicholas":2i6vc6hr said:
LilStinkpot":2i6vc6hr said:
Well after looking more into it her basking spot was at around 103 but the rest of the "hot" side of her cage was at most 85. Switched out the infrared bulb in my second fixture for a CHE to try to get her temps back up a bit.
It's up to about 89.5 and moves up to around 89.9. I can't really find anything on where the air temperature should be at on the warm side...any suggestions? I'm driving myself insane trying to get everything right :(


Juvie Member
I think that's good. (mods, don't shoot me if I'm wrong!)

For the basking light try a 100w soft white household light. If that's not hot enough, go halogen. I use a 120w halogen, and it's hanging about an inch above the screen.


Hatchling Member
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LilStinkpot":21zob8hm said:
I think that's good. (mods, don't shoot me if I'm wrong!)

For the basking light try a 100w soft white household light. If that's not hot enough, go halogen. I use a 120w halogen, and it's hanging about an inch above the screen.
Right now I'm using a 50w halogen flood bulb for her basking spot.


Hatchling Member
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Beardednoob":1ltc6rdy said:
There are basking lights by zoomed which also have UVA but, not UVB. They are pretty cheap but give off great heat --> http://www.petco.com/product/4969/Zoo-Med-Repti-Basking-Spot-Lamps.aspx
Thanks! I think i've got everything good now, her temps are up and she moved off her basking rock but was sitting on the warm side for a while and her stress marks seem to be going away. Cold Michigan weather making things difficult >.>


Sub-Adult Member
I have a 150w basking bulb and I hang it above my beardies cage. it keeps the basking spot around 107 and the ambient temperature around 103ish on that side. her other side is still 85ish.


(her cage isnt always this bare, her rocks were still being cleaned at the time of taking this. I just switched to tile substrate today and I was admiring.)


Hatchling Member
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gimmexthexloot":2q2p65hg said:
I have a 150w basking bulb and I hang it above my beardies cage. it keeps the basking spot around 107 and the ambient temperature around 103ish on that side. her other side is still 85ish.
I've got her basking spot around 105 and the ambient around 93 for the moment. I have a 125 gallon tank so it's been a bit stressful figuring out the temperatures. Like I said before I had it good but moved everything around.


Hatchling Member
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Beardednoob":3sfq636g said:
Good good, shes doing better I take it? 8) I would love some more pictures of her.
She seems to be doing better, she's sleeping now as far as i know. I just picked up an outlet timer for her basking light and UVB which seems to work wonderfully. My only concern is her poo has changed a bit over the last few days since she started eating her greens more, it's been looses, thinner and the color has changed. The vet checked her for parasites when I brought her in last week but he did it by sticking something that looked like a q-tip in her vent and using that as a sample so i'm not sure if I should worry or not.


BD.org Addict
It could be a change in diet, I would keep an eye on it. If it persists or gets worse consult your vet again.


Hatchling Member
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Beardednoob":2ns957mv said:
It could be a change in diet, I would keep an eye on it. If it persists or gets worse consult your vet again.
I hope it's just a change in diet :shock:


Hatchling Member
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She seems to be doing very well this morning, she ate some of her salad and devoured her crickets :) Strange thing, I think the new cage setup is what's causing her stress lines because when I brought her out for a bit today they vanished. One more odd thing i've caught her doing, it looks like she's yawning i've only seen her do it three times now but it seems odd so I figured I would ask.
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