LG ~ The Handi-Capable Bearded Dragon

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Juvie Member
I loved all the pics, but think that first picture with her tongue blobbed out is Fabulous :) :) She looks happy in the last one with that cricket in her mouth :)


Gray-bearded Member
Original Poster
I was able to get LG to eat some Butternut Squash baby food today; Though alot ended up on the tiles, she got a bunch in her mouth too. Seemed to like it alot.

Will try to give her baby food more often, only the good flavors though with just the raw ingredient and water.


Sub-Adult Member
I just found this post and though I couldn't read thru all 75 pages, I went thru the first few and OMG! I was bawling! Bless you for rescuing your baby! I work at a petstore and if the beardies ever got that bad, I'd take them all and quit. LOL

She's a gorgeous girla and looks very happy. :D


Gray-bearded Member
Original Poster
Thanks for the comments, I just finished feeding LG some more butternut squash baby food, and taking some pictures. I got about 300 images, so let me do you all a favor and sort through them for the best 10 or so.

Be back in a half hour or so. :wink:


Gray-bearded Member
Original Poster
Ok, well it looks like I got some good pictures today; After going through nearly 300 images taken just this afternoon, here are my favorites:
















I even made a couple of "macro panoramas" by stitching multiple images together into one. I wasn't trying to get a long or tall shot like traditional landscape panoramas, rather I was trying to get multiple points of focus in the images; Usually the way lenses work, you have a thin slice of focus(especially in macro or wide-angle point and shoot cameras like mine) that can only capture the foreground or the background, not both. I would never try to fool someone into thinking these are original images... I really just took them to see what I could do with the software:



This last composite was my favorite, I used 4 different pictures; I saved it while it was half finished to give you an idea of what the editing process was like for these combo photos:



Jeeze, it took an hour and a half to upload all these photos!!! Hope someone gets a kick out of them. :roll:


Juvie Member
I enjoyed the new pictures of LG :) :) what a vicious girl going after that baby food :wink: hehe She looked like she was really enjoying it too ! Tasty stuff :)
Thanks for posting the composite pictures too- I thought they were neat looking, esp by showing us the halfway mark in making them! Very cool stuff :mrgreen: And it's of such a cool dragon it makes it even better !


BD.org Sicko
Retired Moderator
Hi Jason, I'm glad to hear LG is eating babyfood, it's nutritious & easy to digest. I have 2 dragons that prefer squash to anything else, it''s funny. Whether they like the real goods or the babyfood, they all really like it. Thanks for sharing those wonderful photo's & that you could take 2 & merge into 1 so flawlessly, well done. You have a special talent.


BD.org Sicko
Hi Jason and LG!

Loved all the new pic's...they were great. :love5:

Jason, I find that the baby medicine droppers are a little less messy than the syringes. You can dab a drop on their nose then kind of string it so there's almost a constant flow, but not over flowing down their beards.


Those pics are too awesome! :D
Long before I joined bd.org I read the story of LG and have kept you and that little wonder in my heart and my prayers ever since.
You are a saint and LG is excruciatingly adorable! :D
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