LG ~ The Handi-Capable Bearded Dragon

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BD.org Sicko
Retired Moderator
jscott":2ch5nerq said:

I love these pics!!!!!! Look at that

jscott":2ch5nerq said:
P.S. The name of the seizure medication they have me on is called ZONISAMIDE... I don't know much about it, if anyone else does I'd love to hear more.
Check out this link for info on the med: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmedhealth/PMH0000217/.

Take care, Jason, and hope that this medicine will help and you can finally have a normal life again -- whatever normal is :wink:


Juvie Member
Great new pics of LG :) Thanks for sharing those with us!

That sucks what you've been through over the past week ! I hope the new meds are helpful and that you are feeling better soon !


BD.org Sicko
I agree with Gina those 2 pic's are my fav's too....that sweet little tongue. :love5:

Glad to hear that you are home and able to eat again...get well soon my friend.
Thanks again for taking the time to post those pic's. :wink:
protiemama":152jhfhs said:
OMG, Jason. :shock: Glad you weren't hurt seriously! Has anything like this happened before? We will be praying for you even more now. Hope all goes well with the EEG. LG needs you well buddy! :D
As for cost, my dh spent 24 years in the Air Force. Our "free" medical cost us a monthly fee and has a huge deductable. Getting sick costs us all. The system stinks on ice.

Robert, please un-lock your caps. It's like you are shouting at us. Other than that welcome to the site. We all love LG, she's quite a trooper. Do you have a beardie?

Sandy H

Hi sandy yes i do! lol his name is chompers and he is about 6-7 months old and i love him lol he is my baby boi. i dont have pics right now i need to get them up lol. Im really not on here on the time but i like to hear peoples stories and ask questions. Like right now, how do you make your own post?

beardie osk

Extreme Poster
Sorry to read about all your past few weeks, are you feeling better on the medication? The pics of LG show her looking great...........time really fly's bye, doesn't it J?


Hatchling Member
PRECIOUS, he looks absolutely grateful and I am so grateful there are good people like you!!!!!!!

keep breaking crickets legs...I'm so proud of you!!!!!!


Gray-bearded Member
Original Poster
mrstuart75":1cib50uy said:
PRECIOUS, he looks absolutely grateful and I am so grateful there are good people like you!!!!!!!

keep breaking crickets legs...I'm so proud of you!!!!!!

I usually squish em with my fingers now so the crickets don't have to suffer much. :roll:

Thanks, everyone for the words of encouragment. things haven been depressing but I'm making it one day at a time.


Gray-bearded Member
Original Poster
Gave LGs cage a good cleaning yesterday after she pooped(yay).

After that, she got a double lunch, about 20 crickets. She still won't eat any veggies , I'm gonna start giving them to her more forcfully. But the crickets she eats all eat god veggies and I also feed the crickets multovitamin and calium with d3(which they love).

I will try to get some fresh pics up tomorow. :wink:


BD.org Sicko
Retired Moderator
Poop, yeah. :D It'll be great to see more pics of LG. That's a good amount of crickets, at least they eat veggies & giving them the multi-vits & calcium is a good idea. Gives her some greens, anyway.


Juvie Member
Hope you feel better soon.LG is amazing and sooo cute too :love5:.

Feel better soon love sparks the beardie.And myself too!! :D


Gray-bearded Member
Original Poster
Sorry it took a couple days, but here are some new pictures; I'm working on a video too:



Even though it's blurry, I like this last one:


Ok, well I'll try to get that video edited and up asap. Until then, enjoy the pics. :wink:


BD.org Sicko
Retired Moderator
Hi Jason, glad to see new pics & that you're living a day at a time. Loved the pics of LG, the first one is adorable, going out of her way for a cricket, then 2nd pic she's so disappointed, then the last pic she's munching away. I'm glad your crickets are all well fed, that will help get some veggies into LG. Feel better soon,
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