My beardie is dying:( please help

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vickson420 Addict
Retired Moderator
Thumbellina":fb039 said:
About 100 on the warm side and around 80 on the cool. It never really changes from thy. No I hve not found one of those yet tho every time I go to the store I look.
She can get 6-8 inches to it.... Right now she is laying under it asleep.

Now this Is the reason worms gross me out... But it's also cute what thumbellina did. I was talking to her asking what was wrong and she would kinda shake her butt. An got frightened... She all of a sudden ran to the dish of worms and opened er mouth and a worm crawled out. I thought it was cute she went to the dish to spit it out
Ok since you are using the stick on therms I am thinking its way to hot in there for her.Remember basking SURFACE is supposed to be about 95-110F which means the air should be about 90F plus the stickons never read accurately.I would recommend tomorrows mission be to find that therm.This is an example of what they look like:
from petco or this one from Walmart which is the one I prefer


Hatchling Member
Original Poster
Okay I will deffinetly go get a theremometer. I'm wry worried for her...
Im going to get one as soon as possible and thanks for the pics now I know what I'm looking for

vickson420 Addict
Retired Moderator
Thumbellina":36ad0 said:
Okay I will deffinetly go get a theremometer. I'm wry worried for her...
Im going to get one as soon as possible and thanks for the pics now I know what I'm looking for
Your welcome.Hopefully you cant find it.I know you are worried but hang in there you are doing really well and sorry for all the delayed response I have a gaggle of 13 year old boys sleeping over here tonight for my sons birthday so I am a little scattered.


Hatchling Member
Original Poster
I'm trying too... It's okay it's Halloween... I figured people would be busy..... It's your sons birthday? On Halloween?? The digital theremometer sounds hard to find

vickson420 Addict
Retired Moderator
Thumbellina":aad10 said:
I'm trying too... It's okay it's Halloween... I figured people would be busy..... It's your sons birthday? On Halloween?? The digital theremometer sounds hard to find
Well his birthday is Nov 5th but that falls in the middle of the week so thats why he is celebrating tonight with his friends.
The thermometer isnt hard at all to find,both Petco and Petsmart carry it.Really any large chain pet store will have it and the Acu-Rite can be found at Walmart back in the hardware area by the indoor/outdoor therms(as thats what it really is) and the smoke detectors.

beardie parents Sicko
On the links of the thermometers that she posted, the second one is the one I have. It's the Accurite thermometer and the link has it on sale for $19.00. Walmart sells it for $12. When I went looking for it, I had to ask a Walmart employee where they are. It seems to me that they are in different places in every Walmart.


vickson420 Addict
Retired Moderator
As long as its digital with a probe at the end you should be fine.Sometimes they are yellow and sometimes black except for the acu-rite thats always silver.


you need to put the wired probe right under the basking light, and the main unit (that shows the temps) on the cool side of the tank.
you need to secure the probe end down, i used masking tape for my tank.

diamc Sicko
Staff member
That's great that you found the AcuRite thermometer with the dual readings. As Xeyla said, place the probe end right on the basking spot, it should actually be touching it. You may have to use a piece of tape to hold it down but put the tape on the wire, not the actual probe or you won't get a good reading. Then after you put the main unit on the bottom of the cool side, you wait about 45 min for the temp to stop rising, then the "OUT" reading will be the basking temp and the "IN" reading will be for the cool side. Let us know what you find out the temps are, ok?


Hatchling Member
Original Poster
Have not yet tryed it because I forgot batterys, but her stick on ones say 85 on the hot side. I know those are not accurate but it's cooled off
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