Nim's Story - More videos and pictures.

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Hi, I am the slave of six cockatiels and my new dragon Nim. I'm creating this thread to share all the cute things my little Nim does. Ive had him for eleven days now and he likes me. He warmed up to me six days after I got him. He is the smartest lizard I have ever owned. I would post pics but I'm having some trouble. I put a photo on Flickr and then do the image thing but it only flashes the pic then it disappears if anyone could help I would like that. Nim is a six inch ten gram bearded dragon. Who's favorite veggie is dandelion greens. I have an organic lawn so I get the dandelion greens from there.


Gray-bearded Member
Original Poster
Tonja":1y88hwzm said:
I can just picture you out howling at the moon. I love a full moon and blue moons are so pretty...we had a blood moon last full moon, it was so red it was almost unbelievable.

Yeah, I already have pictured it. LOL, I even dreamed it once. You know, I have never seen a blood moon. I have only seen orange moons when they rise. I also enjoy the harvest moon. It is so big and orange.

traceyb73":1y88hwzm said:
LOL, if my husband ever saw this I would never hear the end of it, but beardies and other animals are MUCH easier and take a heck of alot less time to train than the husband!!!! ;)

LOL, I'll keep that in mind. :D

So, this has been a very annoying day. We forgot to pay the high speed internet bill so it got cut off today. We have payed it, or else I wouldn't be typing this. LOL :D Anyways, because of no internet mom and I took a nice walk on one of the trails near us. So near we could walk to it. LOL, we did. We also took the conure, Oosy with us. He enjoyed it. We scared some quail or at least what sounded like quail. I saw a pretty awesome caterpillar on the trail. I tried to take it home but it looked like it could bite and I didn't have a bug jar with me. So sadly I left it on the trail. :( Mom then took the computer but I have it now. But, let's speak about the star of this thread. Nimrod.

So, Nimmy did something adorable and annoying today. I took him out when the sun was set to avoid wasps. I stuck him on a tree and he stood there. I will show a picture of it after I write this. After seeing Nim cling to the tree looking scared I took him off. Then I set him on the ground. Bad idea. He ran around and began to eat all types of plants. He munched on some dandelion greens out there, what I hope was clover and some grass. Then he decided to run from me. Good thing it was cold outside so he wasn't at his fastest. I grabbed him and took him back in the house. He whipped me with his tail while I was holding him on the way in. He wanted to eat more salad! But I said no. I snuggled him once we were back in, but I put him in his cage so he could digest the plants he ate a few minutes after. Well, that was the cute thing Nim did today. Oh, he also, again, jumped for his food dish. LOL, I make him do it now before I let him eat. It is just so fun! :D Now, here is the picture of him clinging to the tree. It is going to end this post.

"I don't wanna be here."


Gray-bearded Member
Original Poster
Haha, take that monsters. I love it when I see a beautiful dragonfly snatch a wasp out of the air. They are my guardians. LOL :D

BlueDragon09 Addict
Do they eat wasps? I never seen a dragonfly eat anything.
The only reason that pitcher plant is here is because I grew it
from a seed. xD It does beg for a bug to get stuck.


Gray-bearded Member
Original Poster
Oh yeah, dragonflies will eat whatever they can get their jaws on. I have seen a dragonfly pull a spider out of it's web. It was so cool to see the dragonfly pull the spider out of it's strong web. Shows you how strong spiders web really is. I think I have a picture of a dragonfly munching on a bug. Took it last summer. i have no idea what bug it is eating though. Too chewed up. And the pitcher plant does eat bugs. It attracts them with a tempting scent. It's just sad to the poor bugs who die that way. Poor things. :( LOL

I really love dragonflies. One time I had a dragonfly touch my nose. I called it a kiss. :D If I could have a million dragonflies in my house, I would. But that would be too cruel since they need to fly in the open sky. I even love their babies, the naiads. Just don't get bit by one. LOL :D

BlueDragon09 Addict
Aww, I saw a dragonfly up close as it entered my car.
I just sat there and Vash well he wanted to eat it xD
I just held Vash still so he wouldn't touch it I wanted it
to get free not stuck.


Gray-bearded Member
Original Poster
Good thing you stopped Vash from eating it. Dragonflies are not beardie food. Too beautiful.

Well, we ran out of canned crickets. So I am catching moths. Nim has had three large soft and fuzzy moths so far. I doubt he minds having moths for dinner. He loves those things like candy. Mom is getting some canned crickets tomorrow. So for Nim's breakfast it'll be just greens. I am NOT catching more wild crickets. I gambled that one time and it payed off because Nim is showing no signs of parasites. But I can't risk it again. We don't have the money for the vet currently. I trust moths more than crickets. So he'll just have to eat dandelion greens in the morning. I doubt he'll hate that as he will have canned crickets for dinner. So, that is the Nim news for now. :D

BlueDragon09 Addict
hahaha...yeah dragons think they have it so easy til we run out of their favorite foods.
I grabbed grapes and apples xD so that's his breakfast tomorrow- fruit just like mom :)


Gray-bearded Member
Original Poster
My Nim usually has crickets and salad in the morning for breakfast. And then canned crickets for dinner. Sometimes the dandelion greens are for dinner because the day is too hot and I fear wasps. But Nim will also have two phlox flowers with dinner. You are lucky to have a adult dragon that doesn't need so much protein. Feeding Nim all these bugs gets annoying. LOL, mainly because I like them. But I still hate crickets.

BlueDragon09 Addict
Nope he doesn't but I still fill out his meals.
he gets canned crickets for lunch
dinner is dandelion greens.
breakfast is fruits. Every month
once a month he gets live bugs.
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