Phillip, My new dragon!

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After many, many years of wanting, and several months of preparing I finally got my dragon! I was going to wait and order one from a breeder online, but today, when I went to Petsmart I knew I just had to have him. He was the prettiest baby and was sold to me as a fancy dragon for an extra $20. It took me a long time to decide if I still wanted him, but how could I resist his little, cutie face? None of the other connected with me like he did.



Does he look like he's going to colorful? Maybe orange? In the store he was lighter with brighter orange on his back.

So far he's eaten 3 crickets, 1 small roach, and a piece of salad.


Hatchling Member
Original Poster


WOW!! Phillip's growing fast! He must be making up for lost time because of his injury.

He was so mad at me because I woke him up to take this picture. Well, it's his fault. I have to wait until he's cold, otherwise he runs away :roll:


Hatchling Member
Original Poster

Here's a really nice picture. I love how it turned out :)


His first time in the "big boy tub".


Hatchling Member
Original Poster
I think he's around 3 months? He eats crickets, dubias, collard greens and an assortment of baby foods.


Hatchling Member
Original Poster
Phillip made it to 10 inches today! It seems like he's growing 1/8 of an inch a day :D

I hope he grows into one of those big, monster dragons.

zandi202 Addict
kelii":22eonh04 said:
Is that a fire skink in your signature?

Yes, he is =) He is the newest member of the family. Bought him for $12.50 at Petco because they had him for such a long time and put him at 75% off.

zandi202 Addict
You can see more adorable pics of him on Jace and Zy's thread.

He was a pain to handle! It took me, my boyfriend (Paul), and a Petco employee and 15 minutes to catch him. My boyfriend and the Petco employee were being pansies about grabbing him so I went in, grabbed him and got him out. He jumped onto my boyfriend's arm, then back onto mine, then onto the floor. We got down onto the ground and corralled him into the box. Once we got him, Slifer, home, he watched us curiously and now we don't see him. The only time we see him is when we dig him out to make sure he's all right. We plan to handle him more once his stress goes down. We have to do it with leather gloves so they won't bite. He hasn't tried to bite and they are less likely to once they are tamed, but every sight recommended it when taming him. It should be interesting.
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