pooping after phoenix worms

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Juvie Member
Embee":cbf3f said:
Yes, I'm surprised at how well these little things get around, and off the dish. :wink:


Are you putting them in water first? When I put mine in water then feed, they always get out. If you dry them, (let them sit on a papertowel for a minute) they won't have the traction to escape a worm dish, at least not in my experience.


Gray-bearded Member
Epic":21696 said:
Are you putting them in water first? When I put mine in water then feed, they always get out. If you dry them, (let them sit on a papertowel for a minute) they won't have the traction to escape a worm dish, at least not in my experience.

Yes, somewhere back in this thread, I mentioned that I'd tried both approaches... obviously going with the DRY worms. No problems since. Thanks! :D


Sub-Adult Member
Eh.. PWs are great feeders, but my little girl started having whole worms pass. Once I started seeing LIVE worms in her poo, I knew that was time to stop. When she was younger/smaller, she would chew them better, but now that she is bigger, she just doesn't, I guess. She is a good sport about her veg, and she eats a ton of crix, so I just feed her two meals of crix a day and replace 1 meal every other day or so with about 5 butter worms.

I liked the ease of the PWs, but they were getting too expensive anyways...


Sub-Adult Member
Do you feed PW's the same way you would crickets? As many as they eat in 15 minutes? I plan on mixing crickets and PW's what is the best way to do this? Can I dust PW's with vitamins? And I probably don't need to dust them with calcium since they are so high in calcium on their own...?


try giving him[ or her] less phoenix worms, and some crickets more. if i give mine 12 or so some of the worms come out in thier poop. i give them three worms each and a dozen crickets


Gray-bearded Member
ErinMeetsMachine":74c06 said:
Do you feed PW's the same way you would crickets? As many as they eat in 15 minutes? I plan on mixing crickets and PW's what is the best way to do this? Can I dust PW's with vitamins? And I probably don't need to dust them with calcium since they are so high in calcium on their own...?

We've been feeding PWs for about 10-12 days now, with few issues. The third day, I rinsed them first, and they were quite slippery. Just by watching Cloudy eat, I knew I'd see one in his poop. There was clearly a worm that slid down way too easily/quickly (didn't get the proper beardie chomping!). Sure enough, a couple of hours later after a MUCHO basking session, it passed. All other poops have been fine, save one two days ago, which had just a tiny-tad of a worm in it. This time, I believe it was because the worm was quite little. At any rate, I've stopped rinsing them, and instead, place them on a paper towel, and used a small plastic fork to roll them free of their bedding (as much as I can). Cloudy is 6-7 inches, and we use the medium sized worms as recommended by someone around these parts. He does like them, and for a few days after we started, he had no interest in crickets, so they were a primary feeder for those few days. I gave him a few at a time until he was done, 12-13 in all, usually. Now, he is accepting crickets again, so in the am, I give crickets first, and then a few worms. In the early pm, I give worms only, and in the early eve, a cricket feed. For all, as many as he can eat, but again, only doling out the worms a few at a time. I don't use calcium dust for the worms, but did dust them with multi-vites, with no problems. Now that he's back to liking crickets again, I dust them instead, though (cal and vites), I suppose because it just seems easier, and what I'm used to and that's his first morning meal. Also, when he didn't eat all the vite-dusted PWs, I didn't want to put them back in the feeder container, because I worried the nutrients would foul up their environment... so I disposed of them.

Hope this helps. Good luck!

beardie osk

Extreme Poster
Hello folks,

I too have had phoenix worms for my clan, and yes......they come out whole, I thought it was me, lighting, husbandry but it wasn't........ so feeding small amounts at a time helps with the chewing and digestion, BUT WHAT IS MORE DISTRESSING TO ME......... IS I BARELY GET THE AMOUNT MENTIONED WHEN I ORDER THEM. I order 400 at a time and have recieved all different counts in the 100 count containers, one time I only got 23 in a cup, (including the black and dead ones) When I've complained to the seller they blame the originally breeder of PW, so I've been very discouraged to say the least. I have 3 dragons, 2 of which have AV, so I count what my boys eats to log for the vet, that is how I know what I get in a cup. When I saw a pattern of this, I began counting them when I recieved the cups to make sure of the 100 count, very time consuming and dicouraging........if anyone from the breeder site is reading this post, I would love for you to Pm me.

On a positive note, PW's are nutritious if digested and yes they escape if left. I've had to leave a dish of them in the viv's to go to work, so I had to come up with a proper dish to help with escapee's:


This is your plastic old fashion soap dish, and it works well. I carefully roll the worm in my fingers, and put them dry in the dish......... they circle the dish like their running laps, with very few to none escaping. When my boys go on a hunger strikes, the PW's are still in the dish when I come home after work, just lapping.

I forgot where I got it, and have checked stores (like Walmart, etc) when shopping to get another one, but havn't found the exact same one, did get a clear plastic soap dish, the runs where going the opposite way,(vertically), not as convenient for the "lapping" worm. :lol:

Hopefully, that dish will help you, and best wishes to all,
Hope to here from those selling PW's, too. <><


Gray-bearded Member
Great idea with the soap dish! I'm using an old cloth napkin, and a plastic fork and it's working well also.

Since our one full worm passing, and the one partial, we haven't had another pw poop incident, and worms are her (pretty sure she's girl these days :mrgreen: ) main staple now. She still eats crickets, but the pws make up most of her diet. She's been happy, and growing finally, so we're very pleased.

beardie osk":381db said:
BUT WHAT IS MORE DISTRESSING TO ME......... IS I BARELY GET THE AMOUNT MENTIONED WHEN I ORDER THEM. I order 400 at a time and have recieved all different counts in the 100 count containers, one time I only got 23 in a cup...

Yikes, that's terrible. We've only made one order so far, and I haven't counted per container, but I'm quite sure I got at least close to what I ordered (4 containers/100 per). I only have one beardie, and we rotate the containers daily. I've had few dead, and the boxes all still have plenty, and we've been using them um, 3-4 weeks? We order from Mulberry. Hope you're able to get the quantity mess sorted out.

The best,


it doesn't matter how many i feed them, they eat all and none gets a chance to escape. but like i said before, three worms and 12-14 crickets


I got our 1st container of PW yesterday and counted them as well. It didn't seem to have a hundred. So my numerical butt fed him 26 PWs and found 16 more. So that is less than half what it should be in there. :angry5: I bought it from a local herp store.

This next batch I'm just going to order online. I wanted to make sure he would like them first.


i wouldn't order online. if you check the number of worms before you leave the store you wouldn't get burnt. if the store doesn't let you, find a different store. online, you get what they give you. it helps having a honest daughter that owns a pet store. 3 nicks pet shop in lockport, ill. give them a try. they are online. they might be off by one,two or three but half!! i truely doubt it. they have a excellent reputation locally


Hatchling Member
beardie osk":87b1a said:
Hello folks,

I too have had phoenix worms for my clan, and yes......they come out whole, I thought it was me, lighting, husbandry but it wasn't........ so feeding small amounts at a time helps with the chewing and digestion, BUT WHAT IS MORE DISTRESSING TO ME......... IS I BARELY GET THE AMOUNT MENTIONED WHEN I ORDER THEM. I order 400 at a time and have recieved all different counts in the 100 count containers, one time I only got 23 in a cup, (including the black and dead ones) When I've complained to the seller they blame the originally breeder of PW, so I've been very discouraged to say the least. I have 3 dragons, 2 of which have AV, so I count what my boys eats to log for the vet, that is how I know what I get in a cup. When I saw a pattern of this, I began counting them when I recieved the cups to make sure of the 100 count, very time consuming and dicouraging........if anyone from the breeder site is reading this post, I would love for you to Pm me. <><

where did you order yours from?


Hatchling Member
My phoenix worm order arrived yesterday, I bought 400 medium PW from Phoenixworms.com
Bill, my juvie seems excited with the worm. This morning I put 15 PW on a small dish and within couple mins Bill was on the floor of the viv.... looking around, but not eating the PW yet.
I usually put her salad bowl in the morning before going to work(she sleeps on the log), she even too lazy to open her eyes when I do that.

I came home just few minutes ago and saw that all of PW is gone... she ate them all!!! Wow she really likes it. Hopefully she wont poop the whole worm tomorrow (fingers crossed).

About the quantity, how much should I give Bill PW per day if I only feed him that (no crix) and salad? -- Bill is 11 inches long, I usually give her a bowl of salad in the morning, and feed her crickets for dinner (I know she should eat more often, but mommy has to work :? to buy those expensive crix and worms)

I heard that some of Beardie slave here pinch the PW beforehand, so it will be easier to digest. How long the PW will live after that? It will die, right?

and my last question is: How long PW will live? how to take care of them, should I feed them? if yes, what do they eat?

Thanks a lot...!
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