The "Bligg" Arrival ... New Pics(pg112)

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Hello Everyone!

For those of you who do not already know... I am about to welcome the newest member of my family.... Bligg!
He is on his way to my house right now... via the big brown viv.. aka as UPS :D

Bligg is one of Barbara's (fresnowitte) babies born out of wedlock to Ms.Tiggs and Blaze. His name I came up with by blending his parents names together.... Blaze + Tigg = Bligg :wink:

Here is the story of Bligg.... the little beardie who has been melting my heart for the past 56 days and will very soon be here at his forever home in Florida!

Bligg was born on July 15th in a small farm house in Fresno, CA.

Here is Bligg making his grand entrance

Here's the hour old and glass dancing already :shock:

Bligg's first shed at 19 days old....Awwww!

One month old and too darn cute!

Bligg on my birthday last month... BTW... Bligg is my b'day present to myself :D

4 days ago..... Would you look at that big boy :shock:

Okay.... I need another cup of coffee and a peek out the window(it's only the 37th time I've done it :roll: )

Goonie Sicko
Retired Moderator
Only because the comic strip was so funny, I'll let you slide -- this time.
Just don't make a habit of it, ok?

gulfbrzdawn Addict
Original Poster
Goonie":92a02 said:
I'll let you slide -- this time.
Just don't make a habit of it, ok?
Thank You Gina :notworthy: Thank You Gina :notworthy:

My computer is not letting me download any pics today :(
I'll have to wait for hubby to get home and maybe he can figure out why "IT" hates me so :roll:
I have some great pics of Bligg with his first tiny blackbeard. He got a glimpse of Rex running across my bedroom floor yesterday :shock: He had never seen her before. Of course, Rex was trying to figure out why her old viv was in my bedroom and who might be occupying it :lol:

I do have a new weight and length though. Bliggy is now 237 grams and 17 1/4" long :mrgreen: He also turned 4 months old as of the 15th of this month.
My wittle boy is growing up TOO fast :(

spurlee01 Addict
Geez Dawn, that is crazy. He is growing like twice as fast as Lilly. So, by 9 months he'll be 40 inches :shock: . Looking forward to pictures, but I'll let you slide to :wink: .

fresnowitte Sicko
:blob8: WooHoo Bliggy Boy! :blob8:

Hope you had a great 4th Month Birthday! :D

That's like an average of 3 inches per month from the time he hatched. WOW! Not bad! :mrgreen:


Extreme Poster
Geeez, 17 1/4 inches??!!! That's crazy! Fiona is over 184 grams but 14 3/4 inches...I wonder how big Drago is since he's a boy?? I'll be able to tell ya when he gets here on Friday!!!!! Yipeeeeeee!

Goonie Sicko
Retired Moderator
spurlee01":6c2e1 said:
So, by 9 months he'll be 40 inches :shock: .
:laughing6: Bliggy could go into the Guiness Book of World Records for the biggest beardie EVER.

Goodness, I can't believe he's 237 grams and 17 1/4" long, but only 4 months old (happy belated 4-month birthday sweetie!).

spurlee01 Addict
Goonie":0f690 said:
spurlee01":0f690 said:
So, by 9 months he'll be 40 inches :shock: .
:laughing6: Bliggy could go into the Guiness Book of World Records for the biggest beardie EVER.

Goodness, I can't believe he's 237 grams and 17 1/4" long, but only 4 months old (happy belated 4-month birthday sweetie!).

I tried to look for that record, but couldn't find it. :(


Sub-Adult Member
MoMo's getting upset.
She said she feels small.
And her ego is deflated enough as it is, with Missy Citrus/Gem around, defying her authority....
.... takes after mummy, MoMo does....


gulfbrzdawn Addict
Original Poster
Goonie":d6149 said:
Goodness, I can't believe he's 237 grams and 17 1/4" long, but only 4 months old
I know that sounds big, but he still looks like a little baby to me. Compared to Rex(615 grams) he seems so tiny.
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