You know you're living with beardies when...

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Just thought we could start identifying things around the house that indicate a house full of beardies, i.e. You know you're living with beardies when...
while barefoot, you step on a thorn. When you remove it, it's actually a shedded beardie scale!

You know you're living with beardies when...
Crickets sing from all corners WITHIN the house!

You know you're living with beardies when...
Your refrigerator is full of worms and this is a very good thing, not a sign for a serious cleaning job!

I know there are many more ways that show others we are doing things a little bit differently! So, how do you know you're living with beardies?
:blob5: :blob8: :blob5: :blob8: :blob5: :blob8: :blob5: :blob8: :blob5: :blob8: :blob5: :blob8: :blob5: :blob8: :blob5:

beardie parents Sicko
I agree with you Barbara, this Troll's attitudes get really old after awhile. I can't blame you for responding the way you did. I was really surprized to see him on this thread instead of the one they started.

fresnowitte Sicko
I agree Lori if your looking for information then why would you post/look in a beardie tales thread? :? I mean this is where we share the funny little things that our beardies do or our funny experiences. If someone needs info they should be visiting the appropriate

An another thing that comes to mind when I think of this member is an old saying we have all heard that my grandparents always said....

You catch more flies with honey!

Insults will get you no where! Like for instance I don't care now about the thread that may have been started by this person...and who know's I might have been able to help. :dontknow:


Sub-Adult Member
fresnowitte":fcc7a said:
freitas":fcc7a said:
you know you are living with beardies when you come every day to this stupid site hoping people added info i can actually use but instead you find *****ic posts like this one.
Why thank-you for all your kind words and compliments I'm sure we all appreciate them....about like if someone was to call on of your family members stup!d or an id!ot I'd imagine. Obviously you have no respect for your elders. BTW when you call a member here an id!ot or insult the site by calling it stup!d your starting trouble. If you want information then seek it by using the google search or visiting the appropriate threads otherwise you are no better than what your calling us.
This thread was created for fun to help ease the tension of newbies like yourself.

Please if you ever expect anyone of use to help you when you may need it you really should try being less disrespectful.

Sorry Mod's I really tried not to reply but each an everyone of you ladies know that I take pride in this site :mrgreen: and calling it home....and don't call my friends names! :evil:

Sorry everyone I forgot my you know you're living with beardies when......this site is you favorite place to be...and the friends you have made here are very dear to you and you care about their beardies as much as you do your very own. :D

I agree Mrs.Barbera! Everyone on here is part of the Beardie family! :blob5: So we are all family on here.


diamc Sicko
Staff member
freitas":9369a said:
you know you are living with beardies when you come every day to this stupid site hoping people added info i can actually use but instead you find *****ic posts like this one.

If you don't have anything good to say, please DON'T post at all. Actually 99% of the people that come here, find this forum VERY helpful. I suggest you do not make any other comments like these anywhere else on this forum.


Sub-Adult Member
diamc":59077 said:
freitas":59077 said:
you know you are living with beardies when you come every day to this stupid site hoping people added info i can actually use but instead you find *****ic posts like this one.

If you don't have anything good to say, please DON'T post at all. Actually 99% of the people that come here, find this forum VERY helpful. I suggest you do not make any other comments like these anywhere else on this forum.

Well said! And I would say, 100% of those who come here for info, find what they are looking for. I know helped me to save my beardie's life, and helped me and our other beardie find each other.


Gray-bearded Member
Back to the reason why we all love this thread so...

You know you're living with beardies when you see a big black cricket outside and think, that's gross -- it has parisites.

YKYLWBW you look at a dubia nymph and wonder what it tastes like :lol: :puke:


Sub-Adult Member
I know I'm living with beardies 'cuz I tell my friends when they come over to let me know if they see a roaming cricket n they think it's so funny when they do and I hunt 'em

I know I'm living with beardies 'cuz my desktop and my cell phone background are both pics of Twitch

I know I'm living with beardies 'cuz I used to luv power outages and now I'm like "NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!" My beardies need their lights!


Gray-bearded Member
dna14":adc18 said:
diamc":adc18 said:
freitas":adc18 said:
you know you are living with beardies when you come every day to this stupid site hoping people added info i can actually use but instead you find *****ic posts like this one.

If you don't have anything good to say, please DON'T post at all. Actually 99% of the people that come here, find this forum VERY helpful. I suggest you do not make any other comments like these anywhere else on this forum.

Well said! And I would say, 100% of those who come here for info, find what they are looking for. I know helped me to save my beardie's life, and helped me and our other beardie find each other.
I agree with dna! This site has saved Duke so many times. You're the dumb one if you don't know where to find info. Try visiting an informational discussion like health, enclosures, etc, instead of beardie tales.


Sub-Adult Member
ghr15":b7842 said:
How could any of you get swine flue do you guys live near a pig farm or something? You rarely get swine flu spreading from human to human it is mostly pig to human transmission. So how did you guys get it? Also by what I have heard it is not as bad as it is said it is more just a regular flu except it comes from a pig rather then another person. Not sure if that last bit is true but that is what I heard.

Are you really this ignorant or are you being sarcastic? I find it hard to believe that you know so little about swine flu. "You rarely get swine flu spreading from human to human" yet that's how I got it. Kids in my school are dropping like flies and it's spreading like wildfire (woot 2 similes in a row!). It's not called "swine flu" because you get it from pigs. It's called swine flu because the bacteria ORIGINATED in pigs. Will you please do research and get your facts straight? This stuff has been ALL OVER the news.... I'm surprised you don't know more about a virus that is causing deaths.



Sub-Adult Member
Git 'em Jacqui. People. :roll: Are we going to have to ask the moderators to give an intelligence test before being able to post on :shock: lol!


Gray-bearded Member
2 kids from my school had it already. My dad's a doctor, so when the H1N1 shot comes to his office, I am getting it for sure!! When you get the flu, you're weaker so you're more vulnerable to pneumonia and stuff. That's why people are dying.

Twobeardieguy Sicko
freitas":199eb said:
you know you are living with beardies when you come every day to this stupid site hoping people added info i can actually use but instead you find *****ic posts like this one.

I agree with everyone else!! If you don't like this site then the RED "X" is on the upper right hand side, just hit it and don't come back!! GOOD DAY MR. RUDE!!!! :angry5:


Sub-Adult Member
dna14":bfa82 said:
Git 'em Jacqui. People. :roll: Are we going to have to ask the moderators to give an intelligence test before being able to post on :shock: lol!

Hey, it would keep the trolls out! :lol:


Twobeardieguy Sicko
jacqui778":7fa48 said:
dna14":7fa48 said:
Git 'em Jacqui. People. :roll: Are we going to have to ask the moderators to give an intelligence test before being able to post on :shock: lol!

Hey, it would keep the trolls out! :lol:


:lol: :lol: I don't no they can always try to look up the info on the net!!! :lol: :wink:
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