Ziggy's thread (lots of new pics on PG.20) 09/01/11

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Sub-Adult Member
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Thanks guys :oops: She's a good dragon, can't wait for really hot days! :blob5: :blob8:
I'm waiting for her to shed, I think she's a week from one. :mrgreen:


Juvie Member
YAY ! Ziggy :mrgreen: *feeling much better now.. no more twitching* :lol:
She's getting bigger and bigger and more beautiful :) :) All the pictures are great.. I loved the one where you are holding her upright and her little pot belly is poking out :love5: makes me wanna poke it though :)
Great looking harness and it's fabulous that you've got nice enough weather to take her out :) I bet she was excited, in the picture it looks like she's almost up on her tippy toes trying to bask in the sun ! cuteness :)
I'm ready for the nice weather to show up and stay... we haven't had many nice days over the past couple weeks ... and they always occurred when I was doing something and couldn't take the dragons out... :angry5: Hopefully there will be nice weather for us both soon!

Thanks for my quick fix :) Have a great weekend


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NCSUCarrie":ubaye0i5 said:
YAY ! Ziggy :mrgreen: *feeling much better now.. no more twitching* :lol:
She's getting bigger and bigger and more beautiful :) :) All the pictures are great.. I loved the one where you are holding her upright and her little pot belly is poking out :love5: makes me wanna poke it though :)
Great looking harness and it's fabulous that you've got nice enough weather to take her out :) I bet she was excited, in the picture it looks like she's almost up on her tippy toes trying to bask in the sun ! cuteness :)
I'm ready for the nice weather to show up and stay... we haven't had many nice days over the past couple weeks ... and they always occurred when I was doing something and couldn't take the dragons out... :angry5: Hopefully there will be nice weather for us both soon!

Thanks for my quick fix :) Have a great weekend

Yay, thanks Carrie :D
Last 10days were quite warm around 22°C all day, little more and Ziggy will be outside every day! :blob5: :blob5: Can't wait, hopefully you and your babies will get your share of those awesome sunrayzz soon! :mrgreen:


Sub-Adult Member
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OK, I have new pics of Ziggy outside :D She started tearing the grass up and eating it, LOL it was so funny :laughhard:

Aaahhh, am soo tiredzzZzzZZzzzz


Ziggy in the garden :love5:




Checking out if there are birds of prey up there :oops:

Wherez thoze rayzz you were promizing, ha??




Thanks for checking the pics guys! :notworthy:


Juvie Member
awwww all the pictures are great:) I love the first one where she is sprawled out trying to do a double -double sexy leg :)
She is looking quite happy outside checking everything out and her colors look great out there too :)
Yall have very pretty flowers in the background (tulips I think ?)
Too funny that she starting chomping on the grass :) They are silly dragons huh ? Mmmmmm tasty :lol:
Thanks for more pictures :) :) Photobucket is still being mean to me and I can't load ANYTHING to the site *sigh* Maybe tomorrow...


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Slave2Scarlett":1wbcbejv said:
Aww I LOVE the new Ziggy Pics!! She's getting so big!

Thanks Ashleigh, yes she's getting humongous, haha not really :D but she has come a long way from the lil' pooper that she was. :love5:

NCSUCarrie":1wbcbejv said:
awwww all the pictures are great:) I love the first one where she is sprawled out trying to do a double -double sexy leg :)
She is looking quite happy outside checking everything out and her colors look great out there too :)
Yall have very pretty flowers in the background (tulips I think ?)
Too funny that she starting chomping on the grass :) They are silly dragons huh ? Mmmmmm tasty :lol:
Thanks for more pictures :) :) Photobucket is still being mean to me and I can't load ANYTHING to the site *sigh* Maybe tomorrow...

Thanks Carrie, I love the first one too :)
She has nice colors when she's outside but she's near a shed so colors aren't as pretty as they can be.
Yes those are tulips :D
Hope you'll be able to upload some pics on that crazy-nonworking photobucket. :D

P.S.: oh, one more thing, is it OK for her to eat grass outside?


Sub-Adult Member
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I'm back with lot's of pics this time, took them while she was exploring :blob5:
Well here they are:

Let's play ;)

YAY, I wanna play, I wanna play :blob5: :blob8:





hmm, I need to get up there, how would I do that??

let me think....

this thinking is hard :shock:


I needz ma thinkin cap for this one

aren'tz me a lady, ha?



oh yea, need to get back to thinking now

I've got it, I'll jump on the curtain and just climb up, I know how to climb yep


look at me rip through the curtain!


me leggies are gettin tiredz :cry:

let me chill after that extreme climb

ma slave is so warm and soft, ahh

but I needz to go explorin again


what's that there?!?!?




king of the lazy chair

Thanks for checking in, and sorry for pic overload :oops: :oops:


Gray-bearded Member
those are awesome new pics! Where do u upload from b/c photobucket is screwed up and none of my pics can be viewed right now...


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Slave2Scarlett":igkwwet9 said:
those are awesome new pics! Where do u upload from b/c photobucket is screwed up and none of my pics can be viewed right now...

I upload mine on shrani.si, it's our local pic/vid sharing service, but you can use it too. :)

I'm glad you liked my pics :oops:


Juvie Member
I loved all the pics :) Looks like you both had a fun afternoon :) :) Too funny that she zoomed up the curtain !! that looks like fun... and away we go !
I've enjoyed all the ziggy I've gotten this week !! :) :)


Sub-Adult Member
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NCSUCarrie":14v82fo1 said:
I loved all the pics :) Looks like you both had a fun afternoon :) :) Too funny that she zoomed up the curtain !! that looks like fun... and away we go !
I've enjoyed all the ziggy I've gotten this week !! :) :)

I'm glad you enjoyed this "Ziggy fix" :love5: Oh yes, we had lots of fun yesterday :D
I love how she looks with that sombrero hat :laughhard:
I've also bought three new tarantulas, they are Poecilotheria ornata slings, they are so tiny and cute. :love5:

Thanks for checking in Carrie! :notworthy:


Juvie Member
she was very cute in the sombrero hat :) I wondered where you had gotten that for her ... actually seemed to fit pretty good !

Congrats on the new baby tarantula's too :) We were at a reptile show last weekend and one booth had a bunch of tarnatula's and some of them were teensy babies :) Quite cute !!
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